Handling Data on the App
- Importing Job Files: How Should a File be Prepared?
- Importing Job Files: How do I Import a Job?
- Importing Job Files: How do I Select the Right Projection?
- Using Templates: Which Templates are Available?
- Using Templates: How do I Lay Out a Template on the Tablet Background Map?
- Editing a Job: How do I Copy, Offset, Move or Resize a Job?
- Editing a Job: How do I Modify a Job? (Advanced Editing)
- Testing a Job: How do I Test a Line or a Job Before Painting it?
- Painting a Job: How Do I Easily Select All My Lines (Multi-Select Feature)
- Painting a Job: How Do I Tell The Robot Not To Paint a Specific Line or Point?
- TinySurveyor App: What do the Different Options in the App Menu Mean?
- TinySurveyor App: What do the Different Options in the Robot Behavior Menu Mean?